
1330 Main St.

North Vancouver, BC V7J1C3 Canada

1330 Main St.

North Vancouver, BC V7J1C3 Canada


Wellness Examination and Consultation

Welcome to physical examination web page for Main Street Animal Hospital North Vancouver.

Physical Examination

Welcome to the physical examination web page for Main Street Animal Hospital in North Vancouver, BC. Every patient comes with a story. In order to understand the story, there should be adequate communication between the doctor and the pet owner to gather a proper history of the pet. There should be a targeted physical examination based on historical medical clues. Diagnostic tests are then planned and used to provide a road map for a treatment plan.  

We always recommend a physical examination for any health problems with your pets so that a treatment process can be started as soon as possible. For further questions, please call our office.

Kitten Wellness Exam

Congratulations on your new kitten! Thank you for choosing us to help protect and care for the new addition to your family. Our kitten wellness program is designed to help get your kitten started on the right path to a long and healthy life. The first few months are a critical period in your kitten’s development, and we can give you the support and tools necessary to help them grow into a well-balanced, healthy cat. Schedule your kitten for their first exam as soon as possible. Until your kitten has received a series of vaccines, they are susceptible to many serious but preventable diseases. We will make sure your new pet is protected against rabies and panleukopenia (distemper). Depending on your cat’s risk, we may also advise vaccinating them against other diseases, such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV). In addition, your kitten will need to be tested and treated for parasites, which are common in young cats. Kittens may have intestinal worms that can cause weight loss, diarrhea, and a potbellied appearance (although it may not cause any symptoms). It is important for kittens to be treated for intestinal worms, not only to help rid them of the infection but also to prevent you and the rest of your family from becoming infected. Intestinal worms are zoonotic parasites, which means they can be transmitted from pets to people. 

By ensuring that your kitten is properly treated, you can keep your entire family safe. We look forward to meeting your new kitten! Schedule your appointment at our veterinary clinic today.

Puppy Wellness

As described above for kittens, the addition of a new puppy to your family is always very exciting. Early veterinary care is very important for your puppy’s future health. Proactive and future health care is thoroughly discussed during your puppy’s first visit. We recommend a consultation that includes a physical examination for all new puppies. During your wellness consult, we will discuss pet vaccinations, internal and external parasite control, nutrition, and a plan for dog spaying or neutering. Information regarding different vaccination protocols is provided to the pet owners before giving any vaccination to a puppy. Common vaccines are DA2PP (distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parvo), Bordetella (kennel cough), Leptospirosis, Lyme disease, and rabies. We recommend starting vaccinations at eight weeks of age. Deworming (from external and internal parasites) in a puppy is another very important step for their well-being. Puppies may have intestinal parasites that need deworming. If deworming is not done properly, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders, affect growth, pose a risk to other pets inside the house, and can be transmitted to human beings. Protection from external parasites like fleas and ticks is another important preventive step.

The team at Main Street Animal Hospital will welcome the pet owners on their first puppy visit and will be happy to inform pet owners about preventive care, nutrition, and other health care protocols.

Adult wellness

Main Street Animal Hospital is fully equipped to provide vet services to cover all aspects of pet health. Our wellness program puts a focus on preventative medicine based on the specific life stage of your pet. Each patient is assessed individually based on factors such as species, breed, age, and environmental challenges. We will discuss and recommend options for prevention, nutrition, and diagnostic workups appropriate to your pet. Our role is to inform you of the procedures and medications that are especially beneficial for your pet. This allows us to be flexible with our recommendations and gives you more control of your pet’s healthcare. The key to Main Street Animal Hospital’s wellness program is an emphasis on the annual pet health examination. Once a year, your pet will receive a comprehensive physical exam and age-appropriate ancillary diagnostics (such as blood work, fecal tests, urinalysis pressure screening, etc.) to screen for early signs of a disease. During the annual assessment, vaccination is considered, if needed. Patients with health-related concerns will be recommended more advanced diagnostics as needed. More frequent re-evaluations will most likely become necessary for those pets with ongoing illnesses.

For more information or to enroll your pet in Main Street Animal Hospital’s wellness program, call us at (604) 973-0206.


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